Oxfam Trailwalker 2

I sent out some information last time about an event I am doing in August this year. So far we’ve been on 5 training walks through all sorts of weather. There’s been leeches, treacherous terrain, freezing cold and streams that threaten to wash us away. And we’ve only covered half the distance. So why bother?

We’re trying to raise money for Oxfam (formerly Community Aid Abroad). We figure if we can do something difficult like walking 100km in less than 48 hours, we might inspire some people to reach into their pockets to help others.

But you don’t have to go offline with just a tax deductible receipt and a warm feeling. One of our walkers has designed a range of gear that you can buy which will help our fundraising.

Have a look at the gear here


Or simply make a donation here


You’ll notice that my name (Adam Connor) is finally on the team page. For more information on Oxfam and their work, please visit


Please consider supporting this worthwhile effort. I only need a dollar from each of you…….. And remember I’m not getting off lightly. Our next 2 training walks will go for something like 11 and 16 hours of nearly continuous walking. The real thing will take (hopefully) a bit under 30 hours…….

Please send any questions about this to adam.connor (at) buymax.com.au or call me on (02) 8197 0333